Sunday, December 11, 2016

This is a fascinating video on microsuction ear wax blockage...

This is a fascinating video on microsuction ear wax blockage removal. The micro suction procedure just takes around a minute, and the ear wax is removed safely and painlessly.Many people are concerned about ear micro suction side effects. The main concern is the noise level of the microsuction wand, which can reach 100dB(A) inside the ear canal. According to the Health and Safety Executive, this noise level is safe for up to 15 minutes. Considering that the microsuction procedure typically lasts less than 15 minutes per ear, and the noise is intermittent as the suction wand is frequently removed from the ear to be flushed, we would expect that the noise level of the microsuction procedure to be safe. However, some individuals have a genetic mutation, which removes the ear’s normal protection against loud noise. These individuals will normally find loud noise extremely uncomfortable, and may already have tinnitus that is made worse by loud noise (most people with tinnitus find that their tinnitus is worse when it’s quiet).For people who are concerned about the side effects of microsuction, it is possible to use a different method of earwax removal called aural toilet, where specially designed instruments are used to remove the ear wax.For more information on microsuction and other methods of ear wax removal, head over to

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