Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coping With Ear Wax During The Coronavirus Lockdown

coronavirus ear wax lockdown coping covid-19

How to cope with ear wax during the CoVid-19 Lockdown
Now more than ever, it is imperative that we follow government guidelines to stay 2 metres (around 6 feet) apart to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (CoVid-19), and save lives by protecting the NHS.
However, if you have a blocked ear sensation and can’t hear, it can be frustrating, uncomfortable, and can make you feel even more isolated at this time when we are being told to have no social contact with people that do not live in the same household. But what can you do?

Self-Help For Blocked Ears

Having the sensation of blocked ears does not necessarily mean you have an ear wax blockage. Here are the symptoms of an ear wax blockage:
Symptoms of an ear wax blockage

difficulty hearing
an ear infection
sounds such as high-pitched tones coming from inside the ear

(Souce NHS.uk)
Having one or more symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have an ear wax blockage. For instance, itchiness without any other symptom is most likely a symptom of dry skin in the ear canal or entrance to the ear. While earache and difficulty hearing could be symptoms of an ear wax blockage, but could equally be symptoms of a Eustachian Tube Dysfunction or a middle ear infection.

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How To Distinguish Between An Ear Wax Blockage and Other Ear Problems

The only way to definitively diagnose an ear wax blockage is to have a history taken and a physical examination of the outer ear, canal entrance, ear canal and ear drum using an otoscope or ENT microscope performed by a Doctor, Audiologist or ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Specialist. Only a professional with the necessary training and experience can properly distinguish between the many ear conditions that have the same or similar symptoms to an ear wax blockage. For instance:

Earache, difficulty hearing, itching in and around the ear and a feeling of fullness in the ear can be symptoms of an ear wax blockage, but if there is also a temperature of 38C  or above, discharge running out of the ear and feeling sick and lethargic, it is more likely to be an ear infection (see more at NHS.uk).
Diziness, hearing loss in one or both ears, earache in one or both ears, tinnitus (ringing, hissing or whooshing in the ears), and a feeling of fullness in one or both ears can be symptoms of an ear wax blockage, but is there is a clicking or popping sound when you swallow, it could possibly be a Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (see more at Ear Wax Removal Network
Dizziness, tinnitus, a one sided hearing loss, and possibly a feeling of fullness in the same ear can be symptoms of an ear wax blockage, but if the hearing loss fluctuates they are more likely to be symptoms of an ear problem called Ménière’s disease (see more about Ménière’s at The Ménière’s Society and  NHS.uk). What makes it more complicated is that Ménière’s can sometimes show only one or two symptoms, or it can display all of the symptoms.

The main distinguishing factor between ear wax and the three ear problems listed above (as well as other ear problems) is the presence of ear wax! Bear in mind that sometimes, after ear wax is confirmed to be present, one or more symptoms may still persist following its removal:  this is an indicator that ear wax wasn’t the only problem initially. So, how can you check that ear wax is present when you can’t see inside your own ears?

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Self-Diagnosing Ear Wax Blockages

It should be stressed at this point that the best way to diagnose an ear wax blockage is to see a Doctor, Audiologist or ENT Specialist. However, you can comply with the government’s directive on social distancing by checking your own ears. Now, you may have images of using two mirrors and a torch, and twisting your neck at an odd angle to get a look in your ears, but in this age of modern technology that is no longer necessary. You can get a Wireless Otoscope Camera from Amazon and along with an app on your iPhone or Android phone, you can see if you have ear wax or not. This is available at a fraction of the price of professional video otoscopes or video endoscopes, but one of the biggest differences is that it is not designed to be used by more than one person. In a professional Audiology practice, disposable specula, or a high-level disinfectant like Tristel Duo would be used to prevent cross infection between patients. At the moment it is difficult, if not impossible, to source the appropriate disinfectant products to enable you to share one of these consumer-grade video otoscopes, and we would strongly advise against using a video otoscope if you have a discharging ear (liquid running out of your ear). Tristel Duo is difficult to get hold of, unless you are a healthcare professional. However, once supplies of disinfectant products are restored, you can use something like Clinell Sporicidal Wipes if you are planning to share the video otoscope, or if you want to save money and will only be using the instrument yourself, you could use Clinell Universal Wipes, which are designed for the cleaning and disinfection of non-invasive medical devices . 
We found this Wireless Video Otoscope on Amazon. There are a number of video otoscopes available on Amazon, but many of them have a wide tip (over 5mm), connect using a wire, which tends to get in the way, and are difficult to orient, so you can’t tell which way is up, down, left or right. This one has a narrower (4.3mm) tip, so it’s easier to get it in the ear, but bear in mind that the professional ear endoscopes are just 2.8mm wide! It also has gyroscopes to keep the picture oriented. Although it may come with various attachments that purport to be designed for ear wax removal, we would warn that unless you have been trained in endoscopic ear wax removal, it’s best to leave this to a professional as you may end up exacerbating the blockage, or at worst injuring yourself. Our unequivocal advice: just use it to confirm whether you have ear wax.

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Home Ear Wax Removal Methods

So, let’s assume you have confirmed that you have an ear wax blockage, and have taken our advice not to try scooping it out yourself. What safer methods are there that, given enough tiime, might actually work?
Ear Drops / Sprays
Earol really is the king of ear wax removal products. You might think it’s like any kind of olive oil, but that would be doing it a disservice. Firstly, it is sterile - you don’t want to be putting non-sterile olive oil into your ear, as it can in some instances lead to an infection - and it is very fine, helping it to disperse in the ear canal and penetrate the ear wax blockage. It is in a spray, meaning it can easily get into all the nooks and crannies without you having to put your head on a side, so the wax won’t get pulled deeper into your ear by gravity, and it can be used for up to 6 months before you need to dispose of it - all other ear drops have to be discarded after 28 days.
The Earol spray has a safety nozzle and should always be used when spraying into the ear. To make it easier to insert the safety nozzle, you can pull back gently on the ear to help open the entrance to the canal. We recommend to wipe the nozzle after use to keep it clean.
may at first make the blockage feel worse
Sometimes, Earol may at first make the blockage feel worse - this is due to the fine olive oil spray finding gaps in the wax blockage and temporarily filling them. Don’t worry - this means that the Earol is gently softening and loosening the wax. Keep using it, and given enough time, it should eventually work. You may need to use 1 or 2 squirts of Earol twice a day.
Other Ear Drops
We generally do not recommend other ear drops, as they require you to lie down on your side, and as the wax softens there is a good chance that the ear wax can get pulled further into your ear by gravity.
with extended use can leave you open to an opportunistic ear infection
Sodium bicarbonate (bicarbonate of soda / baking soda) ear drops
Sodium bicarbonate ear drops are very effective at softening ear wax. They are generally safe to use for a few days before an ear wax removal procedure, but because they are quite alkaline, with extended use they can alter the normally acidic pH level of the skin of the ear canal leaving you open to an opportunistic outer ear infection. This can be painful and inconvenient at the best of times, and we would suggest while it is never a good time to get an ear infection, now is definitely not the time.
very aggressively soften ear wax… can cause severe pain
Hydrogen peroxide ear drops
Many proprietary ear drop formulae contain hydrogen peroxide (which may be listed as urea hydrogen peroxide). These very aggressively soften ear wax, and because you have to leave your head on a side for the drops to penetrate into the ear canal, they often worsen the blockage and leave a film of soft, jelly-like ear wax on your ear drum, and can completely seal the ear canal. Some people find that having even a dilute concentration of hydrogen peroxide against their skin, even for a short time, can cause severe pain. Sometimes, the aggressive ear wax softening action can cause the ear wax to come out by itself. However, often the mixture of ear wax and ear drops including hydrogen peroxide will not come out on its own and can cause prolonged pain and hearing loss. Again, we suggest that now is not the time to be performing chemistry experiments in your ear.
risk that the water can push the wax further in
Ear syringe / Bulb syringe
You can find ear syringes to buy online, and some branded ear drops come with a bulb syringe. The idea is that the ear drops soften the ear wax and you can then use the bulb syringe to flush out your ear, and hopefully the ear wax will come out. While undoubtedly this works for some people, there is a risk that the water can push the wax further into your ear, potentially leading to discomfort, pain and/or worsened hearing. There is also the issue of the water not being sterile, meaning that you ought to first boil and cool the water before using the syringe. Using non-sterile water can in some instances cause an outer ear infection.

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Dealing With The Hearing Loss

One of the most frustrating things about having a blocked ear is not being able to hear. Assuming that you have confirmed there is a full ear wax blockage, then the loss of hearing is most likely down to the wax blockage. However, if the ear is only partially blocked with wax, then there is likely to be another problem causing the hearing loss; or if there is no wax at all, then the hearing loss is definitely being caused by something else.
Assuming that ear wax has been confirmed as the cause of the hearing problem, we call this a temporary conductive hearing loss, and your hearing will usually return to its regular level after we remove the ear wax blockage. However, as the government’s social distancing directive means it is not possible to get your ear wax removed, in order to be able to hear you could try purchasing a Bluetooth bone conduction headset. Instead of the sound reaching your eardrum via your ear canal, the sound bypasses the ear canal and the eardrum and goes straight to your inner ear via the zygomatic bone (cheekbone). The headset pairs via Bluetooth to your mobile phone, enabling to you make and receive calls. In addition, there are apps on the Google Play Store and the iPhone ® App Store that turn the microphone of your Android or iOS phone or tablet into a hearing aid and play the sound through headphones. We have recommended three headsets at different price points, and one free app each for Android and iPhone below, but unfortunately cannot provide any technical support to get them working.
Download Sound Amplifier for free on Google Play Store
Download HearYouNow for free on the iPhone ® App Store
Stay tuned for Part 2!

Read the full article
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The benefits of microsuction ear wax removal
Ear wax removal by microsuction is the safest most effective method for the removal of ear wax from ear canals. Due to the nature of the suction, ear wax can be removed from the ear, irrespective of whether it is soft or hard. This differs from other methods such as syringing and water irrigation where the wax has to be treated beforehand with drops to encourage a softer consistency.

A limitation of using operating microscopes (or loupes) to remove ear wax is the view provided is quite narrow. As a result, the position of the microscope, speculum inside the ear and the person’s head can require constant re-adjustment in order to refocus and visualise the ear wax. Despite this, microscopic and microsuction ear wax removal is regarded as being safe and well-tolerated. However, no treatment of ear wax is completely ‘risk-free’.

Microsuction is a safe wax-removal technique using specialised a high magnification binocular operating microscope allowing depth-perception and magnification to look directly into the ear canal. The clinician then uses a very fine sterile suction device at safe low pressure to remove the wax buildup.

Ear wax removal is commonly carried out in GP surgeries or audiology clinics using ear irrigation which involves injecting a jet of water into the ear to remove the wax. Microsuction ear wax removal has many benefits in comparison: safer – the clinician can see what he/she is doing. Faster – it provides immediate results.

Ear microsuction is the most effective and safest form of earwax removal as it avoids touching the sensitive area around the ear canal and evades contact with the eardrum. A low-pressure suction probe is used to gently and safely remove earwax. This technique of ear wax removal does not use high-pressure water unlike ‘syringing’, therefore allowing microsuction to be the safest, fastest and cleanest method of choice.

What is Wax Microsuction? As medical professionals working in ent, we get asked “how to remove ear wax?” almost every day. We only practice and promote microsuction as this is the most effective way of maintaining aural hygiene. What is microsuction? ‘micro’ – because we use microscopes, ‘suction’ – because we use a finely calibrated suction device, to vacuum out the wax.
Radlett: Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Radlett WD7
Unit 28 Battlers Green Farm The Private Pharmacy Group, Common Ln, Radlett WD7 8PH

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Ear wax removal using Microsuction
It is not advised that wax is cleared by the use of cotton buds, as this very often pushes it towards the eardrum and can cause even more problems and it is difficult to remove. you should never poke anything down your ear with the view of relieving the problem yourself; the lining of the ear is very delicate and can easily be damaged. There are home removal kits available, however, these need to be used carefully. Hopi ear candles just don’t work, it is a sham. micro-suction earwax leaves it to one of our registered clinical specialists to remove the wax for you.

Ear wax removal is carried out as a day case procedure, so there is no need to stay in hospital overnight.

Unlike ear syringing or even the safer ear irrigation, there is no water used, which means less mess generally. When undertaking micro-suction, the canal and the ear wax is being directly viewed with a microscope or a set of loupes (microscopic glasses) whilst it is being removed. This makes the procedure much quicker, safer and comfortable for the patient.

Wax microsuction is the gold standard ear wax removal technique. It involves the use of an air suction device at low operating pressure to remove wax from the ear, all performed under an operating microscope. It is the safest and quickest means to conveniently remove ear wax and allows full visualisation of the ear canal so that any touching of the sensitive skin layer or fine hairs within the ear canal can, in most instances, be avoided.

As the ears are self-cleaning, we recommend that you should never use cotton buds or insert anything in your ears as this is likely to cause further problems. If you’re creating excessive amounts of ear wax and have a build-up, this is when ear wax removal is required.

Although the ear has a natural mechanism for the removal of wax it is recognised that certain people do experience problems with accumulation of excess wax that may require additional help. Factors such as narrow, hairy or obstructed ear canals, hearing aid or earplug use, as well as dusty/dirty occupations all contribute to a build-up of earwax and using cotton buds only serves to push the debris back in further, often impacting the wax in the process.This can give rise to deafness, tinnitus, vertigo, pain and or discharge.
Bicester: Microsuction Ear Wax Removal
Suite 3, 3 London Road inside Bicester Clinic, Bicester OX26 6BP

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The benefits of microsuction ear wax removal
Microsuction is a procedure which uses gentle suction to remove excessive or troublesome earwax. It is performed with the aid of an operating microscope and a finely calibrated suction device, without the introduction of any materials or liquids. You may be asked to use olive oil spray or drops for several days beforehand. This will make the treatment easier for you. Occasionally we may need to use other instruments to remove hard wax. The technique means that we can always see what we are doing and can avoid touching the skin of the sides of the ear canal which makes the process a lot more comfortable.

A limitation of using operating microscopes (or loupes) to remove ear wax is the view provided is quite narrow. As a result the position of the microscope, speculum inside the ear and the person’s head can require constant re-adjustment in order to refocus and visualise the ear wax. Despite this, microscopic and microsuction ear wax removal is regarded as being safe and well tolerated. However no treatment of ear wax is completely ‘risk-free’.

We’ve all heard of ear wax and ear wax removal- most of us have seen our own ear wax at some point. We know it as the yellowy, brown substance – not too appealing to look at and perhaps even a source of embarrassment if it becomes visible! However, this yellowy substance has more to it than meets the eye.

Microsuction is a safe wax-removal technique using specialised a high magnification binocular operating microscope allowing depth-perception and magnification to look directly into the ear canal. The clinician then uses a very fine sterile suction device at safe low pressure to remove the wax buildup.

Ear wax removal by microsuction

Microsuction is the safest technique for clearing ear wax from the ear canal. It is much safer than syringing. The microscope offers extremely magnified vision so the nurses can see extremely well, therefore they can remove wax/debris without touching the ear canal walls – a comfortable, safe procedure. The magnified view allow the ear nurse therapist to assess the ear canal and ear drum to make a diagnosis.

The syringing of ears to remove ear wax and the buildup of wax in the ears is the traditional method of ear wax removal. Originally a metal syringe would have been used, but there was always the chance of damaging the ear drum and causing hearing damage and instead an electronic ear irrigator was use to carry out the ear irrigation to clear ear wax buildup.

We use a set of high-powered magnification loupes and a special speculum to see clearly into the ear canal. The canula is then entered into the ear canal and is used to gently suck out the ear wax. The entire process usually takes no longer than twenty minutes.

We have a team of consultant ent surgeons, who provide a comprehensive service for patients who suffer from impacted ear wax or other types of ear-related conditions. You will be offered an appointment at the earliest convenient date for you. During your initial consultation you will be seen by a consultant, who is specifically trained and has experience of performing microsuction clearance. You will be able to explain your medical history and any concerns you might have with the surgeon who would be performing the microsuction clearance.

Earwax (cerumen) coats and protects the inside of your ears; it does not usually need to be removed. Removal is only necessary when you develop large amounts of earwax, which make your ears feel blocked. Too much earwax can develop due to a very narrow or abnormally shaped ear canal, frequent use of earplugs, cleaning ears with cotton buds or for other unknown reasons. Often home treatment can remove earwax. If home treatment does not work, you should make an appointment to see a qualified professional.

Ear wax removal is carried out as a day case procedure, so there is no need to stay in hospital overnight.
Bicester: Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Oxford OX26
Suite 3, 3 London Road inside Bicester Clinic, Bicester OX26 6BP

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The Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Network is led by Jason Levy. http://j.mp/30a9osJ

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

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Coping With Ear Wax During The Coronavirus Lockdown

coronavirus ear wax lockdown coping covid-19

How to cope with ear wax during the CoVid-19 Lockdown

Now more than ever, it is imperative that we follow government guidelines to stay 2 metres (around 6 feet) apart to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (CoVid-19), and save lives by protecting the NHS.

However, if you have a blocked ear sensation and can’t hear, it can be frustrating, uncomfortable, and can make you feel even more isolated at this time when we are being told to have no social contact with people that do not live in the same household. But what can you do?

Self-Help For Blocked Ears

Having the sensation of blocked ears does not necessarily mean you have an ear wax blockage. Here are the symptoms of an ear wax blockage:

Symptoms of an ear wax blockage

  • earache
  • difficulty hearing
  • itchiness
  • dizziness
  • an ear infection
  • sounds such as high-pitched tones coming from inside the ear

(Souce NHS.uk)

Having one or more symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have an ear wax blockage. For instance, itchiness without any other symptom is most likely a symptom of dry skin in the ear canal or entrance to the ear. While earache and difficulty hearing could be symptoms of an ear wax blockage, but could equally be symptoms of a Eustachian Tube Dysfunction or a middle ear infection.

Keep Up To Date And Find Out When We Re-Open

How To Distinguish Between An Ear Wax Blockage and Other Ear Problems

The only way to definitively diagnose an ear wax blockage is to have a history taken and a physical examination of the outer ear, canal entrance, ear canal and ear drum using an otoscope or ENT microscope performed by a Doctor, Audiologist or ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) Specialist. Only a professional with the necessary training and experience can properly distinguish between the many ear conditions that have the same or similar symptoms to an ear wax blockage. For instance:

  • Earache, difficulty hearing, itching in and around the ear and a feeling of fullness in the ear can be symptoms of an ear wax blockage, but if there is also a temperature of 38C  or above, discharge running out of the ear and feeling sick and lethargic, it is more likely to be an ear infection (see more at NHS.uk).
  • Diziness, hearing loss in one or both ears, earache in one or both ears, tinnitus (ringing, hissing or whooshing in the ears), and a feeling of fullness in one or both ears can be symptoms of an ear wax blockage, but is there is a clicking or popping sound when you swallow, it could possibly be a Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (see more at Ear Wax Removal Network
  • Dizziness, tinnitus, a one sided hearing loss, and possibly a feeling of fullness in the same ear can be symptoms of an ear wax blockage, but if the hearing loss fluctuates they are more likely to be symptoms of an ear problem called Ménière’s disease (see more about Ménière’s at The Ménière’s Society and  NHS.uk). What makes it more complicated is that Ménière’s can sometimes show only one or two symptoms, or it can display all of the symptoms.

The main distinguishing factor between ear wax and the three ear problems listed above (as well as other ear problems) is the presence of ear wax! Bear in mind that sometimes, after ear wax is confirmed to be present, one or more symptoms may still persist following its removal:  this is an indicator that ear wax wasn’t the only problem initially. So, how can you check that ear wax is present when you can’t see inside your own ears?

Keep Up To Date And Find Out When We Re-Open

Self-Diagnosing Ear Wax Blockages

It should be stressed at this point that the best way to diagnose an ear wax blockage is to see a Doctor, Audiologist or ENT Specialist. However, you can comply with the government’s directive on social distancing by checking your own ears. Now, you may have images of using two mirrors and a torch, and twisting your neck at an odd angle to get a look in your ears, but in this age of modern technology that is no longer necessary. You can get a Wireless Otoscope Camera from Amazon and along with an app on your iPhone or Android phone, you can see if you have ear wax or not. This is available at a fraction of the price of professional video otoscopes or video endoscopes, but one of the biggest differences is that it is not designed to be used by more than one person. In a professional Audiology practice, disposable specula, or a high-level disinfectant like Tristel Duo would be used to prevent cross infection between patients. At the moment it is difficult, if not impossible, to source the appropriate disinfectant products to enable you to share one of these consumer-grade video otoscopes, and we would strongly advise against using a video otoscope if you have a discharging ear (liquid running out of your ear). Tristel Duo is difficult to get hold of, unless you are a healthcare professional. However, once supplies of disinfectant products are restored, you can use something like Clinell Sporicidal Wipes if you are planning to share the video otoscope, or if you want to save money and will only be using the instrument yourself, you could use Clinell Universal Wipes, which are designed for the cleaning and disinfection of non-invasive medical devices . 

We found this Wireless Video Otoscope on Amazon. There are a number of video otoscopes available on Amazon, but many of them have a wide tip (over 5mm), connect using a wire, which tends to get in the way, and are difficult to orient, so you can’t tell which way is up, down, left or right. This one has a narrower (4.3mm) tip, so it’s easier to get it in the ear, but bear in mind that the professional ear endoscopes are just 2.8mm wide! It also has gyroscopes to keep the picture oriented. Although it may come with various attachments that purport to be designed for ear wax removal, we would warn that unless you have been trained in endoscopic ear wax removal, it’s best to leave this to a professional as you may end up exacerbating the blockage, or at worst injuring yourself. Our unequivocal advice: just use it to confirm whether you have ear wax.

Keep Up To Date And Find Out When We Re-Open

Home Ear Wax Removal Methods

So, let’s assume you have confirmed that you have an ear wax blockage, and have taken our advice not to try scooping it out yourself. What safer methods are there that, given enough tiime, might actually work?

Ear Drops / Sprays

Earol really is the king of ear wax removal products. You might think it’s like any kind of olive oil, but that would be doing it a disservice. Firstly, it is sterile - you don’t want to be putting non-sterile olive oil into your ear, as it can in some instances lead to an infection - and it is very fine, helping it to disperse in the ear canal and penetrate the ear wax blockage. It is in a spray, meaning it can easily get into all the nooks and crannies without you having to put your head on a side, so the wax won’t get pulled deeper into your ear by gravity, and it can be used for up to 6 months before you need to dispose of it - all other ear drops have to be discarded after 28 days.

The Earol spray has a safety nozzle and should always be used when spraying into the ear. To make it easier to insert the safety nozzle, you can pull back gently on the ear to help open the entrance to the canal. We recommend to wipe the nozzle after use to keep it clean.

may at first make the blockage feel worse

Sometimes, Earol may at first make the blockage feel worse - this is due to the fine olive oil spray finding gaps in the wax blockage and temporarily filling them. Don’t worry - this means that the Earol is gently softening and loosening the wax. Keep using it, and given enough time, it should eventually work. You may need to use 1 or 2 squirts of Earol twice a day.

Other Ear Drops

We generally do not recommend other ear drops, as they require you to lie down on your side, and as the wax softens there is a good chance that the ear wax can get pulled further into your ear by gravity.

with extended use can leave you open to an opportunistic ear infection

Sodium bicarbonate (bicarbonate of soda / baking soda) ear drops

Sodium bicarbonate ear drops are very effective at softening ear wax. They are generally safe to use for a few days before an ear wax removal procedure, but because they are quite alkaline, with extended use they can alter the normally acidic pH level of the skin of the ear canal leaving you open to an opportunistic outer ear infection. This can be painful and inconvenient at the best of times, and we would suggest while it is never a good time to get an ear infection, now is definitely not the time.

very aggressively soften ear wax… can cause severe pain

Hydrogen peroxide ear drops

Many proprietary ear drop formulae contain hydrogen peroxide (which may be listed as urea hydrogen peroxide). These very aggressively soften ear wax, and because you have to leave your head on a side for the drops to penetrate into the ear canal, they often worsen the blockage and leave a film of soft, jelly-like ear wax on your ear drum, and can completely seal the ear canal. Some people find that having even a dilute concentration of hydrogen peroxide against their skin, even for a short time, can cause severe pain. Sometimes, the aggressive ear wax softening action can cause the ear wax to come out by itself. However, often the mixture of ear wax and ear drops including hydrogen peroxide will not come out on its own and can cause prolonged pain and hearing loss. Again, we suggest that now is not the time to be performing chemistry experiments in your ear.

risk that the water can push the wax further in

Ear syringe / Bulb syringe

You can find ear syringes to buy online, and some branded ear drops come with a bulb syringe. The idea is that the ear drops soften the ear wax and you can then use the bulb syringe to flush out your ear, and hopefully the ear wax will come out. While undoubtedly this works for some people, there is a risk that the water can push the wax further into your ear, potentially leading to discomfort, pain and/or worsened hearing. There is also the issue of the water not being sterile, meaning that you ought to first boil and cool the water before using the syringe. Using non-sterile water can in some instances cause an outer ear infection.

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Dealing With The Hearing Loss

One of the most frustrating things about having a blocked ear is not being able to hear. Assuming that you have confirmed there is a full ear wax blockage, then the loss of hearing is most likely down to the wax blockage. However, if the ear is only partially blocked with wax, then there is likely to be another problem causing the hearing loss; or if there is no wax at all, then the hearing loss is definitely being caused by something else.

Assuming that ear wax has been confirmed as the cause of the hearing problem, we call this a temporary conductive hearing loss, and your hearing will usually return to its regular level after we remove the ear wax blockage. However, as the government’s social distancing directive means it is not possible to get your ear wax removed, in order to be able to hear you could try purchasing a Bluetooth bone conduction headset. Instead of the sound reaching your eardrum via your ear canal, the sound bypasses the ear canal and the eardrum and goes straight to your inner ear via the zygomatic bone (cheekbone). The headset pairs via Bluetooth to your mobile phone, enabling to you make and receive calls. In addition, there are apps on the Google Play Store and the iPhone ® App Store that turn the microphone of your Android or iOS phone or tablet into a hearing aid and play the sound through headphones. We have recommended three headsets at different price points, and one free app each for Android and iPhone below, but unfortunately cannot provide any technical support to get them working.

Stay tuned for Part 2!

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Saturday, March 28, 2020



Microsuction ear wax removal
Ear wax blocking the ear canal can be annoying, frustrating and can cause temporary hearing loss. We provide a safe and effective ear care service and are now offering microsuction ear wax removal to all our patients.

Ear wax microsuction is a procedure which uses gentle suction to remove excessive or troublesome ear wax. It is performed with the aid of a surgical microscope and a calibrated suction device, without the introduction of any materials or liquids. Ear wax microsuction is one of the safest, most effective, quickest and most comfortable methods of removing ear wax. Usually micro suction does not need pre-treatment with drops but two days of earol (clinically treated olive oil) is the best preparation. One of our audiologists will examine your ear using a microscope (either fixed or with loupes glasses) and, using a fine low pressure suction device, safely remove the blockage. Also, using a video otoscope we will show you the condition of the ear before and after the treatment.

We have a team of consultant ent surgeons, who provide a comprehensive service for patients who suffer from impacted ear wax or other types of ear-related conditions. You will be offered an appointment at the earliest convenient date for you. During your initial consultation you will be seen by a consultant, who is specifically trained and has experience of performing microsuction clearance. You will be able to explain your medical history and any concerns you might have with the surgeon who would be performing the microsuction clearance.

Microsuction is a wax removal technique using a very fine sterile suction device under a microscope. The gentle suction device is used to provide pain free and immediate results, and whilst using the microscope the audiologist can clearly see inside the ear canal during the procedure making it an entirely controlled treatment.

Unlike ear syringing or ear irrigation , where ear wax is flushed out ‘blindly’, with microscopic and microsuction ear wax removal the ear wax is being directly visualised under the microscope whilst it is being removed. This makes the procedure much quicker, safer and comfortable for the patient.
Unit 28 Battlers Green Farm The Private Pharmacy Group, Common Ln, Radlett WD7 8PH

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/2QT2T6X

Friday, March 27, 2020



Earwax removal by Microsuction
Microsuction ear wax removal is a procedure that uses gentle suction to remove excessive or troublesome ear wax. Using a microscope, our trained audiologists are able to look directly into the ear canal and use a sterile suction device to gently remove the wax. Occasionally we may need to use other instruments to remove hard wax, or to soften the wax using olive oil.

There are few limitations or cons of micro suction earwax removal, microscopes or loupes if used provide a narrow view. However, it just means that we re-adjust our positioning so we can get the view we need. Micro suction ear wax removal is regarded as being exceptionally safe and well tolerated. However no treatment of ear wax is completely risk-free.

Micro-suction as a tool for ear wax removal has been around for a very long time. Generally, most ent departments used micro-suction to remove ear wax from the ear canals of people with perforations or large cavities after mastoid operations. The reason was simple, removal of ear wax using water could be dangerous for these people.

Earwax should be removed if it is totally blocking the ear canal and one of the following: the person is symptomatic (with conductive hearing loss, earache, tinnitus or vertigo) the tympanic membrane is obscured by wax but needs to be viewed to establish a diagnosis the person wears a hearing aid and an impression needs to be taken for a mould, or wax is causing the hearing-aid to whistle.

Microsuction is a wax removal technique using a very fine sterile suction device under a microscope. The gentle suction device is used to provide pain free and immediate results, and whilst using the microscope the audiologist can clearly see inside the ear canal during the procedure making it an entirely controlled treatment.

With the ear wax removed, any symptoms caused by the wax disappear quickly. If you are prone to ear wax build-up your doctor may recommend using ear drops to keep the wax soft and help it remove itself, but this advice will only be given if drops are right for you.

Microsuction is the term used for cleaning ear canals under the magnified view of a surgical microscope, and using a tiny vacuum cleaner and/or tiny instruments to remove ear wax.
The Belmore Centre, 115 Lower Rd, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury HP21 9DR

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/3akor4a

Thursday, March 26, 2020



Wax removal using the microsuction method
We mainly use microsuction as our preferred option as it is cleaner, non-invasive and significantly quicker than irrigation and find that most people find it more comfortable. our recommendation if you have wax is to put olive oil, or preferably sodium bicarbonate ear drops into your ears 2 to 3 days prior to your appointment as this will aid removal.

We offer a safe and gentle ear wax removal service by our professional clinical wax care specialists. we use the irrigation method for people who are more comfortable with it. we use a spray type ear wash machine, which is commonly used in the medical setting. the irrigation solution is carefully warmed to body temperature, as dizziness can be a common side effect of ear washing or syringing with solutions that are colder or warmer than body temperature. any other temperature may cause temporary vertigo.

Microscopic and microsuction ear wax removal is a procedure where ear wax is removed from the ear under a microscope. the microscope is used to directly visualise the ear wax whilst it is being removed using either ent micro-instruments (e.g. ear hook, Jobson Horne) or gentle suction with a low-pressure suction machine and fine sterile probe (microsuction).

Microsuction is a safe wax-removal technique using specialised a high magnification binocular operating microscope allowing depth-perception and magnification to look directly into the ear canal. the clinician then uses a very fine sterile suction device at safe low pressure to remove the wax buildup.

There are few limitations or cons of micro-suction earwax removal, microscopes or loupes if used provide a narrow view. however, it just means that we re-adjust our positioning so we can get the view we need. micro-suction ear wax removal is regarded as being exceptionally safe and well-tolerated. however no treatment of ear wax is completely risk-free.

Why is Microsuction better?
How to remove ear wax using microsuction as medical professionals working in ent we get asked “how to remove ear wax?” almost every day. we only practice and promote microsuction as this is the most effective way of maintaining aural hygiene. what is microsuction? ‘micro’ – because we use microscopes, ‘suction’ – because we use a finely calibrated suction device, to vacuum out the wax.

Safe, Painless Microsuction Ear Wax Removal
A comprehensive medical history will be taken a microscopic examination of the inner ear canals and eardrums gentle removal of the earwax with a surgical microsuction unit. the pharmacist will wear a pair of illuminated microscopes, namely “loupes”, and air will be heard rushing through the suction wand during the procedure. there may be an occasional mild ‘pop’ as the wax is sucked through the probe. generally, the appointment will be painless.

Microsuction is a safe, quick and painless method of removing a build-up of ear wax in the ear canals using a medical suction pump, suction wand and an ear endoscope to enable observation by the practitioner. this sterile vacuum breaks down and removes the ear wax very gently from the canals. this method was traditionally only used in hospitals or ent clinics; however, it has now become more widely available as a service in private ear clinics. microsuctioning is considered to be the safest and fastest method of ear wax removal by far, leaving you with clean ear canals before any air travel.

Microsuction ear wax removal
If ear drops or ear irrigation do not work, other options include microsuction, which is a quick and comparatively painless treatment involving a small device which sucks out the wax from your ear. this is usually a safe option even if you have a damaged eardrum. an aural toilet uses a thin instrument with a hoop at one end to clean your ear and remove the wax.

Recently we have received a few questions about the safety of micro-suction for ear wax removal. I think this is because the procedure is so prevalent. to respond to the questions I did some research into medical studies undertaken around micro-suction ear wax removal. unfortunately, there are very few in existence.

Where ear wax removal is not available on the NHS, or where the number of NHS procedures available has been reduced and has resulted in a longer waiting time, you can choose to pay for your treatment yourself via our self-pay option. self-pay is available if you find you are not eligible for NHS-funded care and do not have private medical insurance.

Some can: flush the wax out with water (ear irrigation) suck the wax out (microsuction) these treatments are usually painless. you might have to pay to have them done privately.

We recommend ear wax removal consultations to be carried out annually. All appointments are carried out by fully qualified audiologists, who have carried out specialist training in micro-suction ear wax removal and are members of the British society of hearing aid audiologists. all our audiologists are also registered hearing aid dispensers with the health & care professional council.

The benefits of microsuction ear wax removal
You may find other ear microsuction services at a lower cost to ours, however, we would advise you to do your research when choosing a clinic. there are numerous ear wax removal services in the local area. whilst many are good, very few will utilise the skills of a doctor. these services tend to be carried out by technicians or nurses. the advantage of our service being carried out by a doctor is that if there are other underlying problems e.g. middle ear diseases, infection etc, the doctor can treat these issues, and, if necessary, refer to an ent specialist for further assessment if required. this is not available at most ear wax clinics.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, then you should have your ear canal or canals checked. microsuction-on-sea uses microsuction for wax removal treatment to relieve these symptoms as a non-invasive procedure. our expert staff will provide you with the level of service you would expect from experienced professionals. a medical grade vacuum pump will be used to gently suck wax out of your ears while the specialist looks into your ear using a microscope.

Wax microsuction is the gold standard ear wax removal technique. it involves the use of an air suction device at low operating pressure to remove wax from the ear, all performed under an operating microscope. it is the safest and quickest means to conveniently remove ear wax and allows full visualisation of the ear canal so that any touching of the sensitive skin layer or fine hairs within the ear canal can, in most instances, be avoided. it is advised that wax softening drops (such as earol) are used by patients a few days prior to attending for wax removal.

When it comes to the safe and effective removal of earwax, there are three methods that an audiologist can use: irrigation, mechanical removal and microscopic suction (microsuction). many of you may be familiar with irrigation (flushing of the ear with warm water). mechanical removal requires excellent visualization of the ear canal while using an appropriately selected tool to remove the wax. these tools include various types of loops, scoops and forceps. microscopic suction involves suctioning “vacuuming” the ear canal while visualized under a microscope.

Frequently asked questions earwax removal clinics microsuction is a procedure which uses gentle suction to remove excessive or troublesome earwax. it is performed with the aid of an operating microscope and a finely calibrated suction device, without the introduction of any materials or liquids. you may be asked to use olive oil spray or drops for several days beforehand. this will make the treatment easier for you. occasionally we may need to use other instruments to remove hard wax. the technique means that we can always see what we are doing and can avoid touching the skin of the sides of the ear canal which makes the process a lot more comfortable.

Earwax is naturally occurring and serves an important purpose. on occasion, earwax can build in the ear canal and can cause hearing loss or discomfort. for many people, microsuction offers a quick and long-lasting solution to hearing loss. years of excess wax build-up can be gently removed - providing an immediate improvement to their quality of life. it helps to protect and clean the inside of the ear by creating a natural protective layer. other wax removal treatments such as syringing often completely clear the canal of all wax, leaving no protective layer inside the ear. microsuction is a much more controlled treatment which allows your audiologist to carefully remove excess wax whilst preserving a necessary level of protection.
The Belmore Centre, 115 Lower Rd, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury HP21 9DR

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/2UR9GQ3

Wednesday, March 25, 2020



Looking for the best Microsuction Near Me in Pinner
Your local Microsuction Near Me in Pinner

Audiologists in Pinner
Welcome to the Microsuction Earwax Removal Network hearing Clinics owned by Jason Levy, an audiologist and private hearing aid consultant. Jason runs this network which is a private earwax removal network of clinics Specialising in hearing tests, hearing aids and microsuction ear wax removal you can expect to see only Jason or one of his qualified team members providing consistent, personalised one to one care.

With over 21 centres for speedy effective ear wax removal in London and the South East f eight centres for speedy effective ear wax removal London employs excellent highly trained audiologists and medical nurses ensuring that we clear blocked ears and improve hearing loss without any side effects. Hearing loss improvements with microsuction we use the latest technology to provide a fast and efficient service for our Patients..

Our clinics are operated by senior audiologists with many years of experience. We provide the latest hearing technology, fast hearing tests, hi-tech digital hearing aids and pain-free ear wax removal. Our service and aftercare truly makes us unique and has delivered life-changing results for our clients.

If you have a question about one of our services, would like some hearing care advice or need to book or amend an appointment, feel free to contact us! our audiologists are based across Essex, London and Hertfordshire.

We do impacted ear wax removal at our six clinics we do impacted ear wax removal at our six clinics in London, Hertfordshire, Oxfordshire, Norfolk and the West Midlands. This process is performed by one of our highly trained audiologists or our specially trained medical nurses using a process called microsuction. Where you can find us micro-suction ear wax

We do impacted ear wax removal at our six clinics we do impacted ear wax removal at our six clinics in London and Hertfordshire. This process is performed by one of our highly trained audiologists or our specially trained medical nurses using a process called microsuction.

Where you can find our micro-suction ear wax, Pinner?
We can provide a mobile audiology services specialised in ear wax removal using e-microsuction based in London and run by Jason Levy who worked in the NHS audiology profession, He has experience in diagnostic hearing assessments and fitting of digital hearing aids, aural impressions, micro-suction of ear wax – microscopic and endoscopic training from ent surgeons and all other aspects of adult rehabilitation. She used to be a student supervisor for several years and has trained students as well as running courses for assistant audiologists across the region. Also providing training and supervision for healthcare professionals achieving competency in ear care in Private Practice.

Please call us on 0800 1 337 987 to book. Our call centre is open from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm from Monday to Thursday, Friday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm on Friday, and 8:30 am to 1:00 pm on Saturday.
Too Book an Appointment at a Microsuction Earwax Removal Network Clinic Near me in Pinner Click HERE

These are more of our Microsuction Earwax Removal Practices in Pinner
Microsuction Near Me

Watch this Microsuction Near Me video in HA5 3JD

This is a page on Microsuction Near Me in Pinner clinics

Microsuction Near Me in Welwyn Garden City Microsuction Near Me in Golders Green Microsuction Near Me in Norwich Microsuction Near Me in Horley Microsuction Near Me in Baker Street Microsuction Near Me in Borehamwood Microsuction Near Me in Ashford

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/2UhDENX



IMPORTANT CoVid-19 ANNOUNCEMENT #earwaxremovallondon https://www.earwaxremoval.net/4357/news/important-covid-19-announcement/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=earwax&utm_source=social

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/3atZMtS

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


coronavirus microsuction ear wax removal

Temporary shutdown due to Coronavirus pandemic
We are very sad to announce that as of the morning of Monday 23rd March 2020 we have cancelled all booked appointments and temporarily closed all of our clinics. We will not be seeing any clients for the foreseeable future due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Safety of customers and staff comes first

On the evening of Sunday 22nd March, our professional body issued updated safety guidelines, at which point we started to inform our customers that our clinics would be temporarily closing for the foreseeable future. This is for the safety of our customers and staff as it is not possible to perform ear wax removal and maintain a 2 metre (6 foot) separation between patient and practitioner.

Keep Up To Date And Find Out When We Re-Open

Please subscribe to our email list using the simple popup by clicking here

Government Coronavirus Announcement

The Government announcement on the evening of Monday 23rd March confirmed that we had taken the right action. Although the government guidance (see below) allows people to go outside for “health reasons”, we interpret this to mean exercising in the fresh air either alone or with those people who you live with, while maintaining a 6 foot distance from any person that you do not live with, OR to seek medical attention. While we are strong proponents of the physical and mental health benefits of being able to hear properly, and while microsuction ear wax removal is considered very safe, it is not possible to carry out the procedure while maintaining a 6 foot distance between patient and practitioner, potentially putting both at risk of contracting Coronavirus.

CoVid-19 and Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

The latest information on CoVid-19 suggests that people can transmit the virus during the incubation period, which can last between 4 and 14 days from the time of initial exposure. During this time, they will show no symptoms, but can be passing on the virus to people in close proximity (around 2 metres or 6 feet). Approximately 60% of people who contract the virus , mostly children and young adults, will show mild or no symptoms. However, 40% will become ill, 14% will have severe symptoms (for example, difficulty breathing, hypoxia, or more than 50% lung involvement on imaging within 24 to 48 hours), while 5% will be critical and require life support. Those who are older or who have underlying health conditions, such as (but not limited to) diabetes, severe asthma or high blood pressure are far more likely to suffer severe or critical symptoms, It is just not possible to know who has the virus and who doesn’t, and as many of our clients fall into an at-risk group, we feel that the safest thing to do is to follow Government directives and completely avoid any procedures that involve the patient and practitioner being within 2m (6ft) of each other, unless it is for the preservation of life. Clearly, while ear wax removal, including microsuction, is important for the physical and mental wellbeing of our patients, as well as enabling them to communicate with family and friends during this extended period of isolation, we are unequivocal in our belief that the clear benefits of microsuction ear wax removal do not outweigh the very real risk of patient or practitioner contracting Coronavirus.

Keep Up To Date And Find Out When We Re-Open

Please subscribe to our email list using the simple popup by clicking here

Further Information On Coronavirus

coronavirus microsuction ear wax removal stay at home protect the nhs save lives

Government advice on Coronavirus
The Government’s advice is very clear:
Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (where this absolutely cannot be done from home)Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other peopleWash your hands as soon as you get homeAnyone can spread the virus.
More information on the Government directive can be found here:
Full guidance on staying at home and away from others
Other trusted sources of information
The NHS has a very helpful page on symptoms of Coronavirus, how to stop infection spreading, looking after your health and wellbeing, what to do if you need medical help,, pregnancy advice, advice for people at high risk, and self-isolation. You can find that page here:
NHS information on COVID-19
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum has a page with extensive information about people with mild or no symptoms spreading COVID-19 as well as what they are doing to help combat Coronavirus here:
People with mild or no symptoms could be spreading COVID-19
Annals of Internal Medicine
The respected journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, has a research article on the incubation people of Coronavirus. It is quite technical and in depth, but if you want to learn absolutely everything about COVID-19, the article is here:
The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Up To Date
Up To Date has virtually every fact about COVID-19 , including incubation period, spectrum of illness severity, impact of age, asymptomatic infections, clinical manifestations, evaluation and diagnosis, epidemiology, virology & management and prevention here:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Keep Up To Date And Find Out When We Re-Open

Please subscribe to our email list using the simple popup by clicking here

Read the full article
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New Post has been published on https://is.gd/7P1b1z


coronavirus microsuction ear wax removal

Temporary shutdown due to Coronavirus pandemic

We are very sad to announce that we have cancelled all booked appointments and temporarily closed all of our clinics. We will not be seeing any clients for the foreseeable future due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Safety of customers and staff comes first

On the evening of Sunday 22nd March, our professional body issued updated safety guidelines , at which point we started to inform our customers that our clinics would be temporarily closing for the foreseeable future. This is for the safety of our customers and staff as it is not possible to perform ear wax removal and maintain a 2 metre (6 foot) separation between patient and practitioner.

Government Coronavirus Announcement

The Government announcement on the evening of Monday 23rd March confirmed that we had taken the right action. Although the government guidance (see below) allows people to go outside for “health reasons”, we interpret this to mean exercising in the fresh air either alone or with those people who you live with, while maintaining a 6 foot distance from any person that you do not live with, OR to seek medical attention. While we are strong proponents of the physical and mental health benefits of being able to hear properly, and while microsuction ear wax removal is considered very safe, it is not possible to carry out the procedure while maintaining a 6 foot distance between patient and practitioner, potentially putting both at risk of contracting Coronavirus.

CoVid-19 and Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

The latest information on CoVid-19 suggests that people can transmit the virus during the incubation period, which can last between 4 and 14 days from the time of initial exposure. During this time, they will show no symptoms, but can be passing on the virus to people in close proximity (around 2 metres or 6 feet). Approximately 60% of people who contract the virus , mostly children and young adults, will show mild or no symptoms. However, 40% will become ill, 14% will have severe symptoms (for example, difficulty breathing, hypoxia, or more than 50% lung involvement on imaging within 24 to 48 hours), while 5% will be critical and require life support. Those who are older or who have underlying health conditions, such as (but not limited to) diabetes, severe asthma or high blood pressure are far more likely to suffer severe or critical symptoms, It is just not possible to know who has the virus and who doesn’t, and as many of our clients fall into an at-risk group, we feel that the safest thing to do is to follow Government directives and completely avoid any procedures that involve the patient and practitioner being within 2m (6ft) of each other, unless it is for the preservation of life. Clearly, while ear wax removal, including microsuction, is important for the physical and mental wellbeing of our patients, as well as enabling them to communicate with family and friends during this extended period of isolation, we are unequivocal in our belief that the clear benefits of microsuction ear wax removal do not outweigh the very real risk of patient or practitioner contracting Coronavirus.

Keep Up To Date And Find Out When We Re-Open

Further Information On Coronavirus

Government advice on Coronavirus

The Government’s advice is very clear:


  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (where this absolutely cannot be done from home)
  • Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home
  • Anyone can spread the virus.

More information on the Government directive can be found here:
Full guidance on staying at home and away from others

Other trusted sources of information


The NHS has a very helpful page on symptoms of Coronavirus, how to stop infection spreading, looking after your health and wellbeing, what to do if you need medical help,, pregnancy advice, advice for people at high risk, and self-isolation. You can find that page here:
NHS information on COVID-19

World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum has a page with extensive information about people with mild or no symptoms spreading COVID-19 as well as what they are doing to help combat Coronavirus here:
People with mild or no symptoms could be spreading COVID-19

Annals of Internal Medicine

The respected journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, has a research article on the incubation people of Coronavirus. It is quite technical and in depth, but if you want to learn absolutely everything about COVID-19, the article is here:
The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Up To Date

Up To Date has virtually every fact about COVID-19 , including incubation period, spectrum of illness severity, impact of age, asymptomatic infections, clinical manifestations, evaluation and diagnosis, epidemiology, virology & management and prevention here:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/3agG9Wp


coronavirus microsuction ear wax removal

Temporary shutdown due to Coronavirus pandemic
We are very sad to announce that we have cancelled all booked appointments and temporarily closed all of our clinics. We will not be seeing any clients for the foreseeable future due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Safety of customers and staff comes first

On the evening of Sunday 22nd March, our professional body issued updated safety guidelines , at which point we started to inform our customers that our clinics would be temporarily closing for the foreseeable future. This is for the safety of our customers and staff as it is not possible to perform ear wax removal and maintain a 2 metre (6 foot) separation between patient and practitioner.

Government Coronavirus Announcement

The Government announcement on the evening of Monday 23rd March confirmed that we had taken the right action. Although the government guidance (see below) allows people to go outside for “health reasons”, we interpret this to mean exercising in the fresh air either alone or with those people who you live with, while maintaining a 6 foot distance from any person that you do not live with, OR to seek medical attention. While we are strong proponents of the physical and mental health benefits of being able to hear properly, and while microsuction ear wax removal is considered very safe, it is not possible to carry out the procedure while maintaining a 6 foot distance between patient and practitioner, potentially putting both at risk of contracting Coronavirus.

CoVid-19 and Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

The latest information on CoVid-19 suggests that people can transmit the virus during the incubation period, which can last between 4 and 14 days from the time of initial exposure. During this time, they will show no symptoms, but can be passing on the virus to people in close proximity (around 2 metres or 6 feet). Approximately 60% of people who contract the virus , mostly children and young adults, will show mild or no symptoms. However, 40% will become ill, 14% will have severe symptoms (for example, difficulty breathing, hypoxia, or more than 50% lung involvement on imaging within 24 to 48 hours), while 5% will be critical and require life support. Those who are older or who have underlying health conditions, such as (but not limited to) diabetes, severe asthma or high blood pressure are far more likely to suffer severe or critical symptoms, It is just not possible to know who has the virus and who doesn’t, and as many of our clients fall into an at-risk group, we feel that the safest thing to do is to follow Government directives and completely avoid any procedures that involve the patient and practitioner being within 2m (6ft) of each other, unless it is for the preservation of life. Clearly, while ear wax removal, including microsuction, is important for the physical and mental wellbeing of our patients, as well as enabling them to communicate with family and friends during this extended period of isolation, we are unequivocal in our belief that the clear benefits of microsuction ear wax removal do not outweigh the very real risk of patient or practitioner contracting Coronavirus.

Keep Up To Date And Find Out When We Re-Open

Further Information On Coronavirus

Government advice on Coronavirus
The Government’s advice is very clear:
Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (where this absolutely cannot be done from home)Stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other peopleWash your hands as soon as you get homeAnyone can spread the virus.
More information on the Government directive can be found here:
Full guidance on staying at home and away from others
Other trusted sources of information
The NHS has a very helpful page on symptoms of Coronavirus, how to stop infection spreading, looking after your health and wellbeing, what to do if you need medical help,, pregnancy advice, advice for people at high risk, and self-isolation. You can find that page here:
NHS information on COVID-19
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum has a page with extensive information about people with mild or no symptoms spreading COVID-19 as well as what they are doing to help combat Coronavirus here:
People with mild or no symptoms could be spreading COVID-19
Annals of Internal Medicine
The respected journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, has a research article on the incubation people of Coronavirus. It is quite technical and in depth, but if you want to learn absolutely everything about COVID-19, the article is here:
The Incubation Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Up To Date
Up To Date has virtually every fact about COVID-19 , including incubation period, spectrum of illness severity, impact of age, asymptomatic infections, clinical manifestations, evaluation and diagnosis, epidemiology, virology & management and prevention here:
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Read the full article
from Tumblr https://ift.tt/2WFoL9N



For the protection of our patients and Staff and in Line with the Government and Professional bodies guidelines, we will not be offering any earwax removal services for the foreseeable future.
If you had an Appointment Booked then please do not attend. We will contact anyone who has pre-paid online.
When the Government and Professional Bodies advice changes will contact you and it is considered safe to resume our services we will contact you to re-book and appointment.
In the meantime please protect yourself and your families and friends by following the government’s advice.
Stay Safe and we Look forward to being of service to you as soon possible
Jason and Mary Levy
The Microsuction Earwax Removal Network

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/3aiwezr

Monday, March 23, 2020



The Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Network is led by Jason Levy. http://j.mp/30b21RL

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/2y1qj3v

Saturday, March 21, 2020



Quick and Safe Microsuction Earwax removal in Oxford
A Quick and safe treatment for earwax removal in Oxford.
Excessive, impacted ear wax can be painful and also can trigger hearing loss

Do you struggle with any of these symptoms?

A sensation of fullness in the ear
The feeling of hearing every little thing muffled
Light ringing in the ears (ringing or humming in the ear).
Sudden hearing loss after swimming or bathing.
Then you may possibly have an excess of impacted ear wax obstructing your ear canal.

Is there a Quick and easy way to remove this impacted earwax?
Yes there is.
Jason Levy and his team of Qualified Audiologists provide a thorough, personal earwax removal solution working within Summertown Clinic, just off the A40 in Oxford. Our audiologists are very experienced at removing earwax with microsuction and traditional methods of successfully clearing blocked ears.

Can you tell me more about microsuction ear wax removal?
Microsuction is the recommended technique of ear wax elimination made use of by ENT (ear nose and throat) specialists. It is a completely safe and pain-free approach of wax removal. An excellent thing about microsuction is that no pre-treatment is required - so there is no requirement for weeks of softening with drops before therapy.

The Practitioner uses Opticlar TTL ENT EasiLoupes to view the delicate frameworks of the ear canal and also ear drum and then they use a special suction Machine which is specifically designed for medical use to get rid of ear wax. The treatment usually takes between 5 to 15 minutes depending on the volume wax and the pressure of the impaction within the ear and once completed the alleviation is usually instant.

Microsuction is appropriate for those with a perforated ear drum, hearing help users, people that urgently require wax removal before flying and also vertigo or tinnitus victims.

The actual elimination typically takes between 5 - 15 mins.

Is it Safe to remove Earwax Youself?

It is not a great idea to try and eliminate ear wax with cotton buds, as this really typically pushes further in to the ear canal towards the ear drum which can in turn trigger other more dangerous problems as well as make it much more dificult for the Audiologists to remove. You should not be tempted to poke anything down your ear as this can damage the delicate lining of the inner ear which is extremely fragile and can easily be harmed causing long term ear problems.

Microsuction is the preferred technique of ear wax removal made use of by ENT (ear nose as well as throat) experts.

What happens if earwax is not removed?
Earwax blockage, also called cerumen impaction, can occur when your body produces too much earwax or when existing wax is pushed too far into your ear canal. In some cases, you may not be able to hear out of the affected ear. But this typically lasts only until you can have the excess wax removed

It is highly recemmended that you consult a qualified Audiologist if you are experiencing any proplems with your ears. early interaction usually ensures a Quick and Safe, long term remedy.

Contact our Earwax removal Clinic In Oxford for more information today.

Ear Wax Removal Oxford OX2
inside Summertown Clinic, 362 Banbury Rd, Oxford OX2 7PP, United Kingdom

from Tumblr https://ift.tt/2vEOBzw

Friday, March 20, 2020



Ear Wax Removal – Microsuction
micro-suction earwax

Microsuction is a safe, quick and painless method of removing a build-up of ear wax in the ear canals using a medical suction pump, suction wand and an ear endoscope to enable observation by the practitioner. This sterile vacuum breaks down and removes the ear wax very gently from the canals. This method was traditionally only used in hospitals or ent clinics; however, it has now become more widely available as a service in private ear clinics. Microsuctioning is considered to be the safest and fastest method of ear wax removal by far, leaving you with clean ear canals before any air travel.

Earwax is naturally occurring and serves an important purpose. On occasion earwax can build in the ear canal and can cause hearing loss or discomfort. For many people, microsuction offers a quick and long-lasting solution to hearing loss. Years of excess wax build up can be gently removed - providing an immediate improvement to their quality of life. It helps to protect and clean the inside of the ear by creating a natural protective layer. Other wax removal treatments such as syringing often completely clear the canal of all wax, leaving no protective layer inside the ear. Microsuction is a much more controlled treatment which allows your audiologist to carefully remove excess wax whilst preserving a necessary level of protection.

The wax microsuction clinic at lyca health canary wharf, in association with london ear centre, offers a comprehensive service for the timely and efficient management of problematic ear wax. Our expert audiologists use this gold standard wax removal method to ensure that any build-up of ear wax is removed as quickly and as safely as possible.

If you’re suffering from a blocked ear or impacted ear wax, our audiologists are fully trained in microsuction ear wax removal and can help you safely remove the blockage and get you back to feeling normal.

The benefits of microsuction ear wax removal

We mainly use microsuction as our preferred option as it is cleaner, non invasive and significantly quicker than irrigation and find that most people find it more comfortable. Our recommendation if you have wax is to put olive oil, or preferably sodium bicarbonate ear drops in to your ears 2 to 3 days prior to your appointment as this will aid removal.

Clinical ear care, otherwise known as wax removal, can be very beneficial to people using hearing aids to increase the usefulness of their aids. We call wax removal clinical ear care as we are able to use a variety of techniques in one session. These techniques may not all be needed and we would try for microsuction ear wax removal first.

A comprehensive medical history will be taken microscopic examination of the inner ear canals and ear drums gentle removal of the earwax with a surgical microsuction unit. The pharmacist will wear a pair of illuminated microscopes, namely “loupes”, and air will be heard rushing through the suction wand during the procedure. There may be an occasional mild ‘pop’ as the wax is sucked through the probe. Generally, the appointment will be painless.

The procedure is traditionally performed by ent doctors or nurses via the nhs using high-magnification binocular operating microscopes, although there is a growing number of private audiologists and hearing aid dispensers in the uk now also performing microscopic and microsuction ear wax removal using magnifying glasses (loupes). Loupes are limited in the terms of both the magnification and distance (depth) of view they can provide inside the ear. However they remain popular due to their portability and relative inexpensive compared to an operating microscope. Both operating microscopes and loupes provide stereoscopic vision which aids depth perception.

Simple And Safe Microsuction Ear Cleaning Service
ear canal

Micro-suction ear wax removal is one of the safest methods of ear cleaning and it is an ideal method of wax removal for people who have had a perforation to their eardrum or who have had any mid-ear surgery. Microsuction uses no water for the ear wax removal and there is no mess and little fuss.

How to remove ear wax using microsuction
As medical professionals working in ENT we get asked “how to remove ear wax?” almost everyday. We only practice and promote microsuction as this is the most effective way of maintaining aural hygiene. What is microsuction? ‘micro’ – because we use microscopes, ‘suction’ – because we use a finely calibrated suction device, to vacuum out the wax.

Earwax (cerumen) coats and protects the inside of your ears; it does not usually need to be removed. Removal is only necessary when you develop large amounts of earwax, which make your ears feel blocked. Too much earwax can develop due to a very narrow or abnormally shaped ear canal, frequent use of earplugs, cleaning ears with cotton buds or for other unknown reasons. Often home treatment can remove earwax. If home treatment does not work, you should make an appointment to see a qualified professional.

Ear wax is a natural bodily secretion which, if it builds up, can cause problems with hearing, ear ache, tinnitus and dizziness. In most cases it removes itself, but in others it may have to be removed by a trained ent health professional.

Usually, microsuction does not even require pretreatment of ear drops. A fully qualified audiologist, will look into the ear canal through a binaural microscope (either fixed or with glasses) and, using a very fine suction device at low temperature, will safely remove the wax.

With the ear wax removed, any symptoms caused by the wax disappear quickly. If you are prone to ear wax build-up your doctor may recommend using ear drops to keep the wax soft and help it remove itself, but this advice will only be given if drops are right for you.

Earwax should be removed if it is totally blocking the ear canal and one of the following: the person is symptomatic (with conductive hearing loss, earache, tinnitus or vertigo) the tympanic membrane is obscured by wax but needs to be viewed to establish a diagnosis the person wears a hearing aid and an impression needs to be taken for a mould, or wax is causing the hearing-aid to whistle.

362 Banbury Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX2 7PP

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