Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wax removal using the microsuction method
We mainly use microsuction as our preferred option as it is cleaner, non-invasive and significantly quicker than irrigation and find that most people find it more comfortable. our recommendation if you have wax is to put olive oil, or preferably sodium bicarbonate ear drops into your ears 2 to 3 days prior to your appointment as this will aid removal.

We offer a safe and gentle ear wax removal service by our professional clinical wax care specialists. we use the irrigation method for people who are more comfortable with it. we use a spray type ear wash machine, which is commonly used in the medical setting. the irrigation solution is carefully warmed to body temperature, as dizziness can be a common side effect of ear washing or syringing with solutions that are colder or warmer than body temperature. any other temperature may cause temporary vertigo.

Microscopic and microsuction ear wax removal is a procedure where ear wax is removed from the ear under a microscope. the microscope is used to directly visualise the ear wax whilst it is being removed using either ent micro-instruments (e.g. ear hook, Jobson Horne) or gentle suction with a low-pressure suction machine and fine sterile probe (microsuction).

Microsuction is a safe wax-removal technique using specialised a high magnification binocular operating microscope allowing depth-perception and magnification to look directly into the ear canal. the clinician then uses a very fine sterile suction device at safe low pressure to remove the wax buildup.

There are few limitations or cons of micro-suction earwax removal, microscopes or loupes if used provide a narrow view. however, it just means that we re-adjust our positioning so we can get the view we need. micro-suction ear wax removal is regarded as being exceptionally safe and well-tolerated. however no treatment of ear wax is completely risk-free.

Why is Microsuction better?
How to remove ear wax using microsuction as medical professionals working in ent we get asked “how to remove ear wax?” almost every day. we only practice and promote microsuction as this is the most effective way of maintaining aural hygiene. what is microsuction? ‘micro’ – because we use microscopes, ‘suction’ – because we use a finely calibrated suction device, to vacuum out the wax.

Safe, Painless Microsuction Ear Wax Removal
A comprehensive medical history will be taken a microscopic examination of the inner ear canals and eardrums gentle removal of the earwax with a surgical microsuction unit. the pharmacist will wear a pair of illuminated microscopes, namely “loupes”, and air will be heard rushing through the suction wand during the procedure. there may be an occasional mild ‘pop’ as the wax is sucked through the probe. generally, the appointment will be painless.

Microsuction is a safe, quick and painless method of removing a build-up of ear wax in the ear canals using a medical suction pump, suction wand and an ear endoscope to enable observation by the practitioner. this sterile vacuum breaks down and removes the ear wax very gently from the canals. this method was traditionally only used in hospitals or ent clinics; however, it has now become more widely available as a service in private ear clinics. microsuctioning is considered to be the safest and fastest method of ear wax removal by far, leaving you with clean ear canals before any air travel.

Microsuction ear wax removal
If ear drops or ear irrigation do not work, other options include microsuction, which is a quick and comparatively painless treatment involving a small device which sucks out the wax from your ear. this is usually a safe option even if you have a damaged eardrum. an aural toilet uses a thin instrument with a hoop at one end to clean your ear and remove the wax.

Recently we have received a few questions about the safety of micro-suction for ear wax removal. I think this is because the procedure is so prevalent. to respond to the questions I did some research into medical studies undertaken around micro-suction ear wax removal. unfortunately, there are very few in existence.

Where ear wax removal is not available on the NHS, or where the number of NHS procedures available has been reduced and has resulted in a longer waiting time, you can choose to pay for your treatment yourself via our self-pay option. self-pay is available if you find you are not eligible for NHS-funded care and do not have private medical insurance.

Some can: flush the wax out with water (ear irrigation) suck the wax out (microsuction) these treatments are usually painless. you might have to pay to have them done privately.

We recommend ear wax removal consultations to be carried out annually. All appointments are carried out by fully qualified audiologists, who have carried out specialist training in micro-suction ear wax removal and are members of the British society of hearing aid audiologists. all our audiologists are also registered hearing aid dispensers with the health & care professional council.

The benefits of microsuction ear wax removal
You may find other ear microsuction services at a lower cost to ours, however, we would advise you to do your research when choosing a clinic. there are numerous ear wax removal services in the local area. whilst many are good, very few will utilise the skills of a doctor. these services tend to be carried out by technicians or nurses. the advantage of our service being carried out by a doctor is that if there are other underlying problems e.g. middle ear diseases, infection etc, the doctor can treat these issues, and, if necessary, refer to an ent specialist for further assessment if required. this is not available at most ear wax clinics.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, then you should have your ear canal or canals checked. microsuction-on-sea uses microsuction for wax removal treatment to relieve these symptoms as a non-invasive procedure. our expert staff will provide you with the level of service you would expect from experienced professionals. a medical grade vacuum pump will be used to gently suck wax out of your ears while the specialist looks into your ear using a microscope.

Wax microsuction is the gold standard ear wax removal technique. it involves the use of an air suction device at low operating pressure to remove wax from the ear, all performed under an operating microscope. it is the safest and quickest means to conveniently remove ear wax and allows full visualisation of the ear canal so that any touching of the sensitive skin layer or fine hairs within the ear canal can, in most instances, be avoided. it is advised that wax softening drops (such as earol) are used by patients a few days prior to attending for wax removal.

When it comes to the safe and effective removal of earwax, there are three methods that an audiologist can use: irrigation, mechanical removal and microscopic suction (microsuction). many of you may be familiar with irrigation (flushing of the ear with warm water). mechanical removal requires excellent visualization of the ear canal while using an appropriately selected tool to remove the wax. these tools include various types of loops, scoops and forceps. microscopic suction involves suctioning “vacuuming” the ear canal while visualized under a microscope.

Frequently asked questions earwax removal clinics microsuction is a procedure which uses gentle suction to remove excessive or troublesome earwax. it is performed with the aid of an operating microscope and a finely calibrated suction device, without the introduction of any materials or liquids. you may be asked to use olive oil spray or drops for several days beforehand. this will make the treatment easier for you. occasionally we may need to use other instruments to remove hard wax. the technique means that we can always see what we are doing and can avoid touching the skin of the sides of the ear canal which makes the process a lot more comfortable.

Earwax is naturally occurring and serves an important purpose. on occasion, earwax can build in the ear canal and can cause hearing loss or discomfort. for many people, microsuction offers a quick and long-lasting solution to hearing loss. years of excess wax build-up can be gently removed - providing an immediate improvement to their quality of life. it helps to protect and clean the inside of the ear by creating a natural protective layer. other wax removal treatments such as syringing often completely clear the canal of all wax, leaving no protective layer inside the ear. microsuction is a much more controlled treatment which allows your audiologist to carefully remove excess wax whilst preserving a necessary level of protection.
The Belmore Centre, 115 Lower Rd, Stoke Mandeville, Aylesbury HP21 9DR

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