How to remove ear wax using microsuction
If wax is not causing any problems, it is best left alone. the ear is self-cleaning and the wax should clear naturally, so it is unnecessary to try to remove the wax yourself. If wax is noticed on the outer ear, a wipe with a clean flannel may be all that is needed. microsuctionSometimes, however, wax may build up, particularly if it is very dry or if the person has a narrow or hairy ear canal. Wax may also build up if it has been pushed down the canal by cotton buds, hearing aids, hair clips or other implements. Cotton buds can also irritate the ear canal, stripping it of its natural oils and causing it to feel itchy. When water gets into the ear during swimming or showering this may cause the wax to expand, giving a sensation of ‘blockage’ in the ear and increasing the perception of tinnitus.
A gentle suction device is used to remove earwax under a microscope. it’s quick, safe and painless, and no liquid goes into your ear.
Usually, microsuction does not even require pretreatment of ear drops. A fully qualified audiologist will look into the ear canal through a binaural microscope (either fixed or with glasses) and, using a very fine suction device at low temperature, will safely remove the wax.
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